Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Prepare For A Wax Painkillers

How to Prevent Dengue Symptoms

To prevent dengue
We must eliminate mosquito breeding sites, so you must do the following: Keep tightly covered

all containers that store water for domestic use.
Fill holes in trees, fences and cement walls.
Remove standing water from containers, pools, building blocks and other objects.
Cover well water tanks and cisterns to keep out mosquitoes.
Replace with dirt or sand water in vases and pots of home, workplace, study centers and cements.
Drill holes in tire playgrounds to avoid standing water.
bury all kinds of garbage: shells, containers, tires or other objects that can store water. Fill with soil
disused septic tanks, drain disused and abandoned latrines.

may exist three different manifestations of the disease: dengue fever, hemorrhagic fever of dengue and hemorrhagic shock.
The dengue fever is a serious flu-like illness that affects older children and adults but rarely causes death. contrast, ; dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is another severe form, in which bleeding can occur and sometimes a shock , which can lead to death. In children is very serious and only early diagnosis followed by timely treatment can prevent death. The symptoms of dengue fever vary by age and overall health of the patient. Infants and young children may present with fever and a rash similar to measles, but difficult to distinguish from a flu-like, a rash illness, malaria, infectious hepatitis and other febrile illnesses. Older children and adults may have similar symptoms or symptom picture varying from mild to very serious.

features of dengue fever : The clinical manifestations depend on the patient's age. Infants and toddlers can suffer a febrile illness undifferentiated with an outbreak of red spots on the skin. In older children and adults above may vary from a mild febrile illness accompanied by muscle pain (especially back) and no respiratory symptoms, the classic form of abrupt onset. A few days later gave the fever and generalized rash may occur in the form of reddish patches on the chest, then spreads to the face, arms and legs. The disease causes great weakness that forces the patient to be at rest even past the fever. In short, the most common symptoms are:
  • high fever.
  • headache in the forehead.
  • pain behind the eyes which is exacerbated by eye movements.
  • muscle and joint pains ("fever bearded")
  • appetite and difficulties in the sense of taste.
  • eruption of macules or papules on the chest and lower limbs.
  • nausea and vomiting.
Features dengue haemorrhagic fever:
is more common in children between 2-14 years and adults. It is known by the acronym (FDH). To be considered case ; Fever Dengue haemorrhagic infected person must meet all the following criteria :
  • Fever or history of recent fever
  • bleeding evidenced by at least:
    1) small hemorrhages under the skin, bruising or purple,
    2) bleeding in the lining of the digestive tract or injection site.
    3) positive tourniquet test.
  • Decreased platelets (less than 50,000 per mm3)
  • hematocrit less than 20% of average age and population under consideration. (Extravasation of serum in the body: in the pleura, the abdomen or by decreasing protein)
The clinical picture is similar to the classical form but between 2 and 3 days of evolution, the condition is aggravated, because they can displayed nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and enlarged liver. They usually last 3-4 days. The most common haemorrhagic manifestation is the appearance of bruising and bleeding at sites of injections. During the initial febrile phase can be observed red spots on legs and arms, underarms, face and mouth, then can add a nosebleed, gum, stomach or uterus.
In mild and moderate cases, all signs and symptoms disappear when they gave the fever. When transferring the fever can be a heavy sweating. Patients usually recover spontaneously or when subjected to a hydration treatment.
The clinical picture may be summarized as follows:
  • may start with symptoms similar to those of dengue fever.
  • Acute Epigastric pain (stomach pain)
  • bleeding nose, mouth or gums and skin bruising.
  • Hemorrhagic shock
  • Hematemesis (bloody vomit) without blood or vomiting.
  • dry skin and mucous membranes, extreme thirst.
  • Insomnia and restlessness. . )
  • tachycardia (increased heart rate)
  • tachypnea (rapid breathing

    Hello I am the Admin and say those symptoms but I felt I suffered severe stomach pains and high fever that let you do anything every day as 5 months in a row but then I went to the hospital but never went all the time were repeated stomach pains and high fever.


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