Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Secrets of Martial Arts Part 2

New secrets are revealed here I leave. When the body are not enough estratregias Weapons and Tactics New Defence.

many centuries ago, Fu Xi is regarded in China as the ancestor of humanity. During this period, covering the period Paleolithic, people fought with wooden clubs to choose their leaders. In the Mesolithic , bows and arrows appear as well as shields (Gan ) and halberds (Ge ).
began between the ages XI and XVI a. C., in Xia Dynasty displayed weapons made of bronze, ( Dao ) axes ( Jin ), pads and helmets. In this period, the floats are used as the main weapon in the war. In the XII century BC , time of Wu Yi, in the records of the historian reads the Emperor Wu Yi Ren Ou did a (a human figure in wood) to practice using it Bo (fighting without weapons). 2 terms Wushu, Kung Fu and others which are described arts \\ Martial \\ of \\ China are newly coined words. The character is commonly used to describe boxing Quan, 拳 means strength and not boxing. In the mid 16 century AD Quanyong combination, 拳 勇, appears to describe boxing, especially in the book "Epitaph for Wang Zhengnan . Bo, 搏 is perhaps the oldest word that identifies the Chinese fighting arts.
In the early Zhou Dynasty see the first practice of training and combat practice routines using Ge and Mao ( launches ) in the form of military-style dances. Cheng King promotes both military and literary training.
is said that during 841C. , the first year I Gong, King of the Zhou Dynasty West, think of a revolt in which officers army, citizens, artisans and merchants attack the imperial armed with different types of weapons, which showed that martial arts practice is normal in ordinary citizens. 1
the ninth year of the reign of King You of Zhou Dynasty West were ways to fight empty hand Rites The book describes in the first month autumn, there must be Zhi Bo, to prevent crimes and evils . Later develop Shou Bo (empty hand fighting) and Shu Quan (boxing techniques), Bo from (hitting) and Zhi (grab) ". In the same book makes a clear distinction between Shou Bo and Li Jiao the last describes the struggle practice.
Some examples of a military structure and the practice of exercises aimed at developing martial can be found in other sources, which reveal that these arts and have a high technical level before construction Shaolin Temple and the arrival of Bodhidharma (Ta Mo ) to China.


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