Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sprint Ringer Promotion January 2010


woman ...

Several times I wanted to say something about women, whether on these fascinating creatures of nature. But to be honest, the truth was not sure how to start or how to address or accommodate give my ideas, and that's when I get this ...


* To spend one's entire life fighting his own hair.

* Buying a blouse that does not match anything, but for the price
was irresistible!

* Know who is married, who was separated and
who left the race.

* Having a portfolio that looks like Grandma's vanity of 007 of so much accumulated
and unbelievable that exist within it.

* Speaking of intimacies that men do not even realize. * Be

treated like an idiot by the mechanical workshop.

* Pretending naturally during a gynecological exam.

* Mourn her eyes out when the father of Lion King dies, leaving the orphaned puppy

* The power of jeans, or a lycra bodysuit, to support the body structure

* Having marital crisis, existential crisis, identity crisis, nervous breakdown
* Being a single parent, married mother, mother separated y. .. husband's mother.

* Watch a football game (only to her company's boyfriend).

* Wash in the shower. And then hang on the rack (for horror

* Eating an entire box of chocolates because he fought with her boyfriend,

have a bad time, and still be destroyed because they came from the diet.

* Listen to ... "Woman at the wheel is a constant danger."

* shave their legs every 15 days, with wax!

* What you feel torn stockings at the entrance to a party.

* Feeling ready to conquer the world when you are using a new lipstick

* Feeling really unhappy, because they have a nice clothes to
out (although has the closet full!).

* Mourn in the bathroom, looking in the mirror to see what the best angle

* Discovering your relationship and the world will end ...
then discover it was nothing more than pre-menstrual syndrome.

* Wear a tight girdle to conceal the tummy.

* Dancing, singing and walking on cloud nine ... only because "he"
called or wrote. (It is quite true that tenderly).

* Fighting, just to make amends later.

* say no, so he insists a lot, and then say ... Yes!

* Stay in bed her husband when he is reading the sports page ...

* Smiling kindly to a client while colic squeezes
crazy like a bazooka.

* The miraculous healing power of ... a kiss ... a gesture ... and a kind word

* Be holy, philosopher, teacher, doctor, psychologist, redeeming
manager, cooks, maintenance, organizer, referee ... and above, octopus! before
start thinking about herself.

* Mourn, ecstatic happiness, y. .. laugh, full of rage ...

* Finally, only a woman knows what it is ... Being a woman!

So, a woman is many things, and yes, they are beautiful, unique and fascinating, sometimes (in thousands) definitely extremely difficult and incomprehensible in many things. It is obvious to all there are exceptions ... as of course it is Madame Butterfly, a woman with whom you gab Sencillito as if it were another man (lol) even more than once we have hanging out with her at parties women, and their point of view, is not very different from ours, it it has trouble understanding some behavior, but on the other hand, it is she who could teach us more than them and has helped us more than once in our relationships.

And almost all my dear friends, is summarized: "Do not try to understand them, just love her and respect them, and above all, never, ever try to be near in moments of anger, in other words, we must give their place in the moments they need. "


Now I, the Mono Monerca , sovereign of my room, and a pioneer of peace and justice among all, and advocate the ideals, dreams, tacos, the Chev music and everything nice, I received from the hands of my advice, a treaty was made, along with the Senate to create a pact with women so that our relationships are better and more healthy, and that they themselves can understand what is OBVIOUS! ... so, for us men and our clear and concise way of seeing things .

Without further ado, I present this treatise: MANIFESTO


1 .- If you think you're fat, is most likely true. Do not ask. Refuse to answer.

2 .- If you do not dress like lingerie model, do not expect me to act like soap opera heartthrobs.

3 .- If you want something, just ask. Let's get this clear: Subtle hints do not work. Direct hints do not work. Very obvious hints do not work. Say things as they are.

4 .- If you ask a question you do not want to answer, do not miss an answer you do not want to hear.

5 .- Sometimes I'm not thinking about you. Nothing happens. Please get used to that. Do not ask me what I'm thinking, unless you're ready to talk about topics such as politics, economics, football or sports cars.

6 .- Carne asada Sunday = / Friends / Sports on TV. It's like lunallena or tide. Can not be avoided. 7 .-

Shopping is not fun, and no, I never considered that.

8 .- When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. REALLY.

9.-You have enough clothes. You have too many shoes. Crying is blackmail.

10 .- Most men have three pairs of shoes. What makes you think I'm good for deciding which pair of thirty that you look good with a dress? 11 .- Simple

YES and NO, are perfectly acceptable answers to any questions.

12 .- Come to me with a problem only if you want help solving it. For that I serve. Do not ask me if I empathize as one of your friends.

13 .- A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. You see a doctor.

14 .- If something we said can be interpreted in two ways, and one of them makes you sad or angry, my intention was to say the other.

15 .- ALL men see in only 16 colors. The melon is a fruit, not a color.

16 .- Where I'll be itching scratching. No matter when, where or against whom. 17 .-

Beer excites us as much as you bags.

18 .- If you wonder if something bad happens and your answer is 'nothing', will react as if nothing bad happened.

19 .- What on earth is fuchsia? Moreover, how the hell did you write?

20 .- Do not ask, Do you love me? Rest assured if you do not like you would not.

Well, take care, quieranse and help each other.


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