Friday, January 20, 2006

Israel Wedding Seating


DiaRi0 a day fRi0
On the big ROCKSTAR pequeninos

After several weeks to see snow in their sheer mass and after passing this day I still do not really want to keep watching it snow ... I will tell you, our boiler making noises extranios by freezing water, opening the front door first thing you encounter is a barrier as 10 cm snow, I walk toward the truck stop (Because by now this puny what the bike) and I find the trees and soil FROZEN until I fell terrible !!!!, the car doors are sealed as sealed is not enough to look hot ... but there are also advantages, just where I live is a hill.

retrospect, not all of that snow is bad. The other day we dove into that hill that is behind the house and was very soft the esperiencia. We slipped in a little mountain steep as about 30 meters high, grabbed nomas flight and so we drop but back and almost did not tell them because I walked so fast fainting for uploading ...

aarbol white as long as we continue to exploit and conquer most hills having fun and enjoying the Olympic games that have been located in this beautiful place, there you will find pictures of athletes invest in AarBol 2006.

Many greetings and smile big boys munch bastards.

(his father)

The winner of proving the moutains, ROCKSTAR (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

(rockstar friend)

test rings, Ranielatsqui in action (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

Well Ranielatsqui not fared well in the test of the moutains, here is the image (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

(rockstar friend)

Get off .... BUT THE VIDEOS NOW!