Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Murmur Of The Heart Dailymotion

And weeey, Weeeeey Nooo !!!!! Separated at Birth

to know more about Edgarin checate their official website:


Friday, May 5, 2006

Chevrolet Speakers Dimension

(tom york radio head and the little stuart little)

Well, maniana nomas to assume that I keep on seeing Radiohead at Kopenhagen. Greetings to all and have a good weekend.

Monday, May 1, 2006

How To Clean Slate Tile Tables

z (Pirates of zonicou )

Madame: Well today not consume any of the fucking gringos and I'm thinking of extending the routine for the week. So you already know my rockstar, no nike or Pécsi.

Rockstar: simon already, so I set me since yesterday to buy some burgers macdonalls pa put them in the fridge. Madame

: Plop!, I demand an explanation .

Friday, April 28, 2006

How Do Know If U Have A Clot In Ur Leg


l E
other day I was listening a lot to this band and I would recommend it. They are Stellastarr, masomenos sound like Interpol and are also New York, if interpol sounds as if The Cure, this band also sounds a shitload to The Cure, and have a touch like that I ochenteron afigura the smiths. Defined as a band of Indie rock American are only three baths and a morra playing bass, they have alternated and bands flight Jane's Addiction , The Raveonettes , Placebo , The Killers , and the Red Hot Chili Peppers .

A sentences have two disks,
  1. " Stellastarr *" (September 23, 2003)
  2. "Harmonies for the Haunted " (September 13, 2005)

L you two are chidos and agunatan, anyway here I leave some songs for them to listen and see what you think:


(this song sounds muchisisimo to "my pictures of you" and is the which introduces a The Harmonies for Haunted, and if they lower their chance of rola "love and longitudinal ng" which is the most Perronas disc)

Stellastarr - In the Walls.mp3

(this song is the one that opened his self-titled album)

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Make Eevee Happy Pokemon Silver

The Teachings of Don Juan

P irst, thank you very much to flesh the Mono anniversary for that post, because I did not remember the net. I know that this little shop is sort of sloppy, but then unfortunately I did not feel like writing here on the Internet (only in my book). Not that he has grasped this indifference to the post, maybe it's because I'm very comfortable with everything not so happy nor too sad to let out the words and just as before.

S econd, thanks to Jubal (Compa David "El Mono" ) who has left the longest comment so far from the history of this blog, I sincerely feel cool that somebody is interested and so afond goal with some of the issues and express leaving your comment.

T hird, I, too, makes me the vagabond life interesting Diogenes, who was totally anti-culture. And Zarathustra as a philosopher rather than a religion of God Hormuz or Ahura Mazda and because this dude is the representative of this god is like the Messiah . The ideas of this dude also left their influences in Christianity and Judaism, hence the symbolism of the devil came as the serpent and God as light. But then who am I to tell if the wikiedia is everything.

And then when you mentioned the Saint Germain I remembered once I had the tonal focus. For those who do not place the tonal focus, this is a place that is very close to Ocotlan, in a little town called Pocnitlan. There is a circle of energy concentration is the universal presence of cosmic energy concentrated at that point and say there are only three places as well in the world and located. Although believe it or not those things, the place is really cool, kind of weird, because the place is in the tiny courtyard of a castle. The castle is like fairy tales and tonal focus seems as a alberquita without water surrounded by columns of colors and then I remembered this place because it is assumed that St. Germain is the patron of the place.

C UNAD I was the focus I got to chat with one of the men who guard the place, told me that as the site was found by a psychic not so long ago, as 8 years. You have to realize there was a dude that astral travel to that place in her dreams, the dude did not know that the earthly existence of the site. One day this dude came to Ocotlan and not as it was but the dude realized that here was the place of his dreams, and went to the house of a man and told her that if she left to enter your yard and it turns out that the yard was the place where this dude talking about astral travel and that was how it was discovered there. The owner of the land and had constructed a house there, so I find it rather strange to a people who fuck you feel like a castle on a whim nomas?. Takes very little to enter your yard and take the fair is for dudes who clean and care, not the site owner / gift.

l A place is a lot of people dial spiritual and mother, and do rituals and all the fart, when I was fortunately no one was there, because we arrived at night and one of the caretakers gave us a chance to get us.

C omo recommendation is cool shop around the place just to see waves, plus also people say they have seen goblins there and put up a place dedicated to the elves under a tree.

if you want to read more about the focus can get to the links:

http://www .eloccidental.com.mx/eloccidental/050306/gente/6gente.asp

20lake/2005/aroundlakejune.htm http://www.chapala.com/chapala/columnists/around%

Monday, March 27, 2006

Little Squeaky Soccer Ball


my amiguis
So, this month marks the 3rd anniversary of this blog where you start with the beautiful and always loved Madame Butterfly, and the now involved my brother Rockstar, and therefore my Pirati this "shrine" to "edit" and change the "look" at this little shop because, besides the whole of last year and had time to have "danced with the flock "but here is new and fresh, and I hope that soon are back with more fun, news, trivia and information! Long live

NuestraDama . Blogspot.com , Madame Butterfly living pa and not to leave her mother skunk, long live the great Rockstar!

Have a great week start my children, and do not miss this hilarious and interesting blog! ... PD

cock!, Long live the Mono M. also! (Hahaha)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Men's Vegas Sport Coat

Moses Buddha Jesus Christ Zarathustra

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How A Primer Bulb Works


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cryotherapy Cancer Singapore

Tremendo Putazo OFF BIRD BIRD

Here you can download the exclusive video cuendo OCIC Juangrabiel broke her on stage, this cagadisimo, I recommend it.

Friday, February 3, 2006

Posters De Pokemon Shiney

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Sell My Old Cell Phones Austin

Letters to a young blogger

ste E post is for my compisimas essentially and throughout this text is full and blatantly hacked a book called "Letters to a Young Poet" of Rainer Maria Rilke (Prague, 1875 - Switzerland, 1926), but mention it here only the aspects most tracendentes for my friend but if you dare to read everything there you can check in the league.
Q senior uerido Kappus (ie you):

E I n terms with one of his finest pages (inclonclusa. ..) I always feel fear of the next, you may be able to destroy everything and reverse what is worthy of appreciation unworthy. What you are well characterized with the words "live and create as enthusiasm." That is: living things as the artist lives is so incredibly close to the world of sex, suffering and joy that this entails that both phenomena are not well regarded, but different forms of the same longing, the same bienandanza. And if instead of zeal might say "sex", meaning large, broad concept of pure, free and above all the suspicions that have been clouding any errors or dogmatic prejudice, then the art would Dehmel grandiose of infinite value. Great is his strength so poetic and impetuous as an instinctive impulse. Carries with it its own rhythms, free of prejudice and circumspection, and springing out of him like an erupting mountain.

S in does not seem that this force is always entirely sincere, or is detached from any involvement. (But it certainly is one of the toughest tests, imposed on the creative genius, which must remain unaware of their own worth, without even suspecting its greatest virtues, on pain of making them lose their innocence and purity). Furthermore, when the force of the poet, tumultuously through his whole being, reaches the realm of sex, man is no longer as pure as she would need. Well there is a world not fully mature sexually pure, but a world that is not quite human, that is only male, it is jealousy, drunkenness, judgments and pride, with which man has distorted and burdened love. To love man and not merely as a human, is in his way of feeling anything close to sex, wild in appearance, full of spite and ill will, something merely transitory and eternal void of content, which lowers their art, making it ambiguous and uncertain. In this art, which is not unblemished, and is marked with the stigma of time and passion, not much will survive and endure. (The same is true for nearly all art). However, we can indulge deeply as there's big. Just try not to miss the turn supporter dehmeliano world, so full of infinite anguish, confusion and disorder, which is far from true targets. They make these trials suffer more than temporary, in contrast, give greater opportunity to reach the sublime and more value to reach the eternal.
Because you are so young, Sir, and yet so far found of the beginning, I would ask you, as best you know it, you have patience with everything in your heart is not yet resolved. And try to grow fond of the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a strange language. Do not look so far the answers you need. They can not be given, because you do not know yet-live them and it is precisely to live everything. You live your questions now. [6] Perhaps, even inadvertently, thus reaching gradually penetrate the desired response, and at some distant day, only to find that and are living well. Maybe you take it the power to create and capture, which is a privileged way of life happy and pure. Educate yourself for this, but as hosting come quickly, with great confidence. And where this comes from his own will or some deep need, to slopes écheselo without denying anything. E
l sex is a hard and difficult burden, yes, but it is just hard and difficult [7] As we have been entrusted. Almost everything that is serious is too hard, and everything is really ... As long as you acknowledge this and, by itself, according to his peculiar way of being and their skills, thanks to his childhood, his experience and his own strength, come to achieve and maintain a relationship with sex of all persons and personal, free of the influence exercised by the ordinary conventions and customs, and then not be afraid nor lose himself, nor be unworthy of your most precious asset.

l E own enjoyment of sex is a sensual excitement and the simple look. O as the mere feeling that pervades the language while enjoying a beautiful fruit. It is a great experience, endless, that we are gifted. A knowledge of the world, the fullness and the splendor of all knowledge ... And the bad thing is this experience, but that most abuse it and wasted. Using it as incentive and leisure in the moments of greatest weariness, rather than live with devotion to achieve sublime climaxes. Also of eating, of course, men have done otherwise. On the one hand the misery, on the other excessive affluence, have marred the clarity of this need. Similarly it also muddied the deep and simple duties. under which life is renewed. But each individual, for yourself, you can try to restore its purity, by living with limpid simplicity. If this is not available to any individual, because everyone is too dependent on others ", it is within the reach of man alone. Can it be recalled that both plants and animals, all beauty is a quiet and persistent form of love and longing. You can also see the animals and plants see: joining, multiplying and growing, not for any pleasure or any physical pain, but bowing to necessities greatest enjoyment and pain, more powerful than any and all resistance will . Oh, if the man could receive in a spirit more humble and take more seriously this mystery, which fills the earth down to its smallest things! And the bear, feeling how terrible and oppressive is the weight, instead of taking it lightly! And bow with profound reverence to their own fertility, which is a single! Whether seems spiritual and material if it seems! For even the mind starts to create the physical world. It is your very essence as a reproduction more subtle, entrancing and more perennial carnal pleasure.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bbeing a creator, of engendering, of shaping and life

N or has run out of my thoughts, now that Christmas comes around, and amid all parties must weigh his solitude even more than usual. But if you feel that this alone is great, glad. Well-well has to ask himself, "what would a solitude that does not have its greatness? There is only one solitude. Is large and difficult to bear. And almost all hours when we come willingly yield to exchange of any coexistence. No matter how trivial and mean whatever. So by the mere illusion of a tiny match any other being. With the first one this, although it is perhaps the least worthy. They are perhaps more precisely the times when the loneliness grows, as its development is painful as the growth of children and sad as the beginning of spring. This, however, should not embarrass you, since all you need is certainly this: Soledad, great, intimate loneliness. In on itself, and for hours not find anyone ... This is what is important to know getting. Being alone as when children were alone, while around us were the older side to side, caught up in things that seemed important and big, just because they showed busy, and because we understood nothing of their business.

A hour well: if one day to discover just how poor their occupations and check to see that their professions are stiff and lack and all connection with life, why not go all that time looking through the eyes of children, as if something strange? Why not look at everything from the depths of our own world, from large parts of our own solitude, which is also dignity and office work? Why insist on wanting to change the non-wise understanding of the child by a spirit constantly on guard and full of contempt for others, since they do not understand is to be alone, while neglect is equivalent to defend and take part in that of which one wants to precisely separated by such means?

P hink very dear sir, the world leading in itself, and give this to think the name you want. Whether it's own childhood memories of, or desire of own future. Above all, always stay aware as to rise in his soul, and put it over everything around him perceived. Always has to deserve his love as happens in the depths of his being. Should you work it somehow, and not waste too much time and too mind in clarifying its position against its peers. Is there any who can assure you even have a position?
I know, his career [9] is for you hard and full of things that are contrary to his nature. I expected the complaint and knew they would arrived. Now that you've come, I do not know how to quiet him. I can only advise you to consider whether all the professions are also like: full of demands and hostility to each individual and somewhat saturated hatred of all who have made, silent and sullen resentment in his dull, with compliance duty dull and gray, devoid of all hope ... [10] The position in which we live now is not more burdened conventions, prejudices and errors than any other state. While there are some who boast of greater freedom, there is really none to be filed inside and broad, and relevant to the great things that involves real life. Only lonely man is subject, like a thing, to the deep laws of nature. And when one goes to meet the rising morning, or your gaze penetrates happenings fraught night, feeling everything that happens there, then it despréndese which of the dead, all conditions, although he is in the middle of the purest live.

L or you, very dear Mr. Kappus (0 be you), must feel now as military, would have felt similarly in any other race. And even if, out of all charges and employment, he sought to keep company with only a tenuous contact form, to stop to save its independence, why not would have been spared the feeling embarrassed. Occurs everywhere the same, but this is a reason to feel anxiety or sadness. If there is nothing common between you and the men, try to live near things. They did not leave. Even some nights and winds ranging through the trees and over many lands. Even in things and animals, is all full of happenings that you can share. And children still remain as you were a child: so sad and so happy. As you think about your own childhood, will live among them, among the lonely children. And then the seniors and will mean nothing, nor have any value all dignity.

S i will anguish and torture him to think of childhood, simplicity and stillness that are linked with it, because you already know not to believe in God who is present at all, "then ask yourself dear friend, if it really has lost God. Is not it true that you've never even owned? Well, when it could have been? Do you think a child can have him, who achieved only with great effort to bring those who are already men, and whose weight bows to the elders? Do you think that if someone possessed of truth, could ever lose and you lose a stone? Do not you think but rather how to me, who possess it, and could only be lost by him? ... Now, if you recognize that he was never in its infancy, and before either was, if it comes to suspect that Christ was dazzled by his immense yearning and Muhammad deceived by his pride, if not with horror now feel this, at this very moment we are speaking of him, what right then seeks to miss him, to him that never was, as a being who had passed away? What entitles you to look as if he had lost? Why not rather think that he is one who is yet to come, which for a lifetime is to come: The Coming [11], the supreme fruit of a tree whose leaves are we? What keeps you from projecting his birth to the times to come? And what renders him live his own life, as one lives a painful day in the long and beautiful story of a magna pregnancy? Do not see how all that happens is always a beginning? And why could not this be the beginning of it, since everything started is in itself so beautiful? If He is the most perfect, is not necessarily precede something less grand, so that He can choose his own self from the fullness and abundance? Should not he be the last, in order to cover everything in itself? What would be our life if he whom we long have been already? ...

A itself as the bees collect and gather honey also we extract all the sweetest thing to build it to him can also start with the lowest. Thus have less presence, always happens in love. With work and then the rest. With a silence. With a small and solitary joy. With all that perform alone, without participants and supporters, started the One who will not reach to know, as our ancestors may not know us. However, those who passed long ago, are still within us. As a deposit, heritage and foundation. As burden over our destiny. Like blood boils, and as gesture that rises from the depths of time. Is there anything I succeeded in taking the hope someday to be just as He who is the farthest, Supreme? ...
C Elebrás, dear Mr. Kappus, Christmas with the pious feeling that he, to get started, you may need this same anxiety that you harbor toward life. Precisely these days of transition is perhaps the time when everything you work to mold him in to him, as before, as a child, he worked and, panting, in shape. Be patient and calm. And think that the least can do is put us more obstacles to their development land in the spring when it wants to go. Left happy and confident!

His Madame Butterly

Friday, January 20, 2006

Israel Wedding Seating


DiaRi0 a day fRi0
On the big ROCKSTAR pequeninos

After several weeks to see snow in their sheer mass and after passing this day I still do not really want to keep watching it snow ... I will tell you, our boiler making noises extranios by freezing water, opening the front door first thing you encounter is a barrier as 10 cm snow, I walk toward the truck stop (Because by now this puny what the bike) and I find the trees and soil FROZEN until I fell terrible !!!!, the car doors are sealed as sealed is not enough to look hot ... but there are also advantages, just where I live is a hill.

retrospect, not all of that snow is bad. The other day we dove into that hill that is behind the house and was very soft the esperiencia. We slipped in a little mountain steep as about 30 meters high, grabbed nomas flight and so we drop but back and almost did not tell them because I walked so fast fainting for uploading ...

aarbol white as long as we continue to exploit and conquer most hills having fun and enjoying the Olympic games that have been located in this beautiful place, there you will find pictures of athletes invest in AarBol 2006.

Many greetings and smile big boys munch bastards.

(his father)

The winner of proving the moutains, ROCKSTAR (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

(rockstar friend)

test rings, Ranielatsqui in action (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

Well Ranielatsqui not fared well in the test of the moutains, here is the image (AarBol Winter Olympics 2006)

(rockstar friend)

Get off .... BUT THE VIDEOS NOW!